How To Make Youtube Channel:

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, February 21, 2017 0 comments
How To Make Youtube Channel:
Actually, I make it very easy youtube chanel, Cuma optimizations that are a little difficult, because the channel is not drawing attention to the effect on the number of viewers or customers on the channel. Here's how to create a channel and channel optimization.

  1. First we need to have a Google account first, if you do not have to click here to follow the steps to create a google account.
  2. Second, youtube searching on google.
  3. Third, create youtube chanel. Click here to view steps
  4. Fourth, look for keywords and optimize channel. Click here to view steps
  5. Fifth, how to optimize your video. Clik here to view steps.

Thank you for visiting, may be useful.

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How to Optimize Video on Youtube

Posted by Unknown 0 comments

How to Optimize Video on Youtube

create compelling titles, the most ordered by mastah, and I used to do. but after some time I realized, just a catchy title that's not enough, you have to create a title that is intriguing, take advantage of the audience emotionally, myself already know the trick even this, and know that the video was only the title clickbaiting, still wrote clicking on the video such as the title.

types of interesting titles:

1.  Strange, for example: this girl find 20 twin worldwide
2.  Dealing with religion, for example: this baby is born with the name of Allah in his head (usually added with the words GOD Mashallah, Subhan Allah, etc. at the beginning of the title)
3.   Using a number, for example: 12 unique facts of ants around the world
4.   Educational, for example: how to find a girlfriend for the singles
5.   Using the dots, for example: This man went into the cave, then ... (the trick is not my practice, but akhir2 I see a lot of video to use it)
6.  Using the word exaggeration (hyperbole), for example: the best DotA players in the world, most expensive car in 2016, including Mashallah kata2 GOD and subhanallah above, the video klo English, usually to add a word: AMAZING, WOW, OMG
7.       And much more.


The description is important, there are some tips you can use to descriptions, white hat or gray hat.

  1.  Enter the title at the beginning and end of the description 
  2.  Enter a description of shaped articles with keywords (like if you make articles for adsense  websites)
  3.  Enter a link to subscribe to shorten url (using only
  4.  Enter the social media links (google +, facebook, twitter, instagram)
  5.  Enter the wikipedia link on the topic that you created at the end of the description (before the  title at  the end of the description)
  6.  Enter the tags in the description (gray hat, can sometimes banned, use with your own risk)

To tags, there are some who use google keyword planner, there is the use, and some other keywords, it's up to each one. only important that, enter a name for your channel as tags first, as this will be the reference tags of your channel so when people watch one of your videos, your other videos will appear in the sidebar on the right youtube recommended.


not many people know that images can also be optimized, how to right click your thumbnail image, then go to properties, go to the details tab. in the DESCRIPTION section, change the Title, Subject, Comment Tags, and according to your video (title filled title, subject filled a brief description, tags filled tags), and then press the APPLY

then the important thing, make THUMBNAIL consistent and professional. Consistent that mean in terms of design (use of color, fonts, thumbnail format). as much as possible enter one of three crucial elements, namely images of people (your own image Klo example you gamer, or a picture of a person running if nichenya sport, etc.), images of women or infants (for clickbaiting), and the image object zoom (if for example nichenya car, car picture zooming).

in other cases, many also wear a thumbnail with circles and arrows in red. or thumbnail excessive (eg, videos of the best magicians, there are pictures of people nyolok thumbnailnya translucent nose to the eyes, the obvious photoshop edits)


as well as thumbnails, when you upload a video, the video name can also be optimized, can also be given a description, tags, etc. the same way as the thumbnail above.

So here, for there are youtube
SEO name. In SEO we divide into two.
1. SEO on-site, and
2. The off-site SEO
SEO is essentially to bring traffic to our video.

At On-site SEO we just need to focus on three aspects:
Title, Description and Tags.
In the title we try to use keywords that exist general keywords that would
we targetin me give you an example, my channel on video sonic dash, game
endless runner.
Further Okay, now I uploaded five videos. Title-title that I would use approximately this:
1. Sonic Shadow Dash - Sonician
2. Sonic Dash Top 10 Run - Sonician
3. Sonic Dash Run Madness - Sonician
4. Sonic Dash Tails - Sonician
5. Sonic Dash Boss Fight - Sonician
For Title I into 2 parts
Sonic Shadow Dash - Sonician
First part
The second part
In the first part of our video contents title
make sure the inside was general keywords
of our video niche.

In the second part of the contents can be the name of our channel, or something
unique, so when people browse our video, another video we will
look there. In my case. I use sonician, why? because in
The keyword there SONICIAN keyword my game.
So I can boost my SEO video on the title.

Now go to the description!
In the description try to use the main keywords we targeted more
more than other keywords, the example I target
My video on the first page when people search Sonic Dash, so
I looked like this description,
Presenting Shadow Sonic Dash, A video by Sonic Dash Game, available in
android and iOS, Sonic Dash it self is a endless runner games roomates is addictive and challenging. Get to play Sonic Dash now, you can download
Them in your App Store, Sonic Dash, The Best Game Ever.
SEO work can be seen in the description, the main target keyword we should
performing more than other keywords in the description, there is no
limit for how much, just make sure those keywords are keyword
most in your description.

Now the Tags section.
On tags, use your keyword tags, my title Sonic video sample
Shadow Dash - Sonician, the tags I used.
Sonic, Dash, Shadow, Sonician, Sonic Dash, Sonic Shadow, Sonic Sonician,
Shadow Dash, Dash Sonician, Sonician Shadow, Sonic Dash Shadow, Sonic Sonician Dash, Sonic Shadow Sonician, Sonician Shadow Dash, Sonic Dash Shadow Sonician. So keywordnya continue playing Cut made tags, if there are still remaining, can add tags are related to your niche game. Meanwhile, there is another name Off-site SEO, this build backlinks, divided into two, the same internal external backlink backlink. How to do this, copy the url channel or video you, continue to search in youtube play keywordnya. in my example, I search Sonic Dash. . Then, I open 10 videos on the first page I paste the url link to my video or to channel them in the comment box, make sure not their spam plasticity, can use. "Hi, I found this video about sonic dash, pretty cool here is the link "or" wow this channel has lots of videos about sonic dash, I just discovered it, here is the link. "Done for internal backlinks, while the for external backlinks, it is promotional such as facebook, twitter, reddit, etc.

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YouTube – Keyword Research

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
YouTube – Keyword Research
Keyword research that is YouTube and video specific is very important.
The primary reason that you need to do this, is so that you can find out
what potential customers are searching for; the best and most relevant
search queries; and of course how to get your content found.
Although keyword research may sound boring, look at it as hunting for
treasure. Finding that one special keyword or keyword phrase within
your chosen niche that has a high search volume but very little
competition is treasure indeed.
There are four main tools that you can use:- The YouTube Suggests
search function; the YouTube Keyword tool; the Google Adwords
Keyword Planner and Market Samurai. I use all of them.

Step 1
I like to start with YouTube Suggests – using the search function within
YouTube in order to get a list of “seed” keywords.
Having decided, for example, that you are interested in video marketing,
you can start to type it into the search box . A drop down list
immediately becomes visible. Make a note of those that are related to
your requirements. You will of course need more keywords.
Step 2
Your next step will be to type in “video marketing” followed by the letter
“a”. After making note of the drop-down keywords that interest you, you
will need to change the “a” for a “b” make more notes; change “b” to “c”
and continue on until you have completed the alphabet or feel that you
have enough usable “seed” keywords.

The first thing you need to do is to go to the YouTube Keyword tool.
Now you need to decide on the language and country you want to target.
YouTube  – Keyword Research
Once the list has been propagated, you can switch between “broad”
“phrase” “exact” and “negative”.
You will also find that the keyword tool will throw up a variety of
unrelated (and sometimes descriptive) words with high search results.
Make a note of these, because you may well be able to use them in your
Channel name and/or video title as well as within your video
While the list that was generated from the above search is too long to
show, the search term “video marketing” showed 10,400 YouTube
searches and an apparently unrelated term “brand new” showed
439,700 searches. The term “youtube” attracted 4,013,000 YouTube
searches. So, “brand new youtube video marketing training” could turn
out to be a great long tail keyword.
These sometimes odd search terms could well be what boosts your
rankings into the stratosphere and are likely to have very little
competition. Do be aware that at times you need to think outside of the
box in order to put unrelated search terms together.
NOTE: Please do not discount the fact that many of the keywords show
“not enough data”. The YouTube keyword tool is not fully evolved yet.
These keywords can be a great opportunity for you and usually have low
competition. It is well worth making use of them.

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool was replaced with what is now
known as the Google Adwords Keyword Planner – For more keywords,
and the more you have the better, you need to use your gmail account to
sign up for an adwords account if you have not already done so.
One thing to note is that you will only be provided with exact match
information. Broad match and Phrase match are no longer available.
Step 1
Head for the Tools and Analysis section and then click on “Search for
new keywords...”
Step 2
Insert the comma separated seed words which you found in YouTube
suggests along with any others you might be interested in.
Step 3
You will be given two options, ad group ideas and keyword ideas.
Keyword ideas shows a breakdown by keyword only. At this stage you
can only get exact match keywords. You can download all the keywords
to your computer by clicking on the “Download” key at top right
Step 4
The Ad Group ideas are sorted according to relevance. Hover your
mouse over the keywords and you can immediately see the the list of
keywords within that ad group. The keywords for all Ad Groups can be
Step 5
As an alternative to simply hovering your mouse over the keywords, you
can click on any ad group link to bring up the details of that group. You
can now scroll back and forth through the various ad groups

Market Samurai is my all time favorite Keyword tool. I have been using
it since it first became available. In addition to finding keywords, you
can track your rankings; analyze your competitors; find related products
and services to promote; find relevant articles to help you write articles
of your own; Market Samurai even finds high-quality back-link
opportunities for you.
You can get it and use the full functionality on a free trial. If you choose
not to purchase, then you still get to keep the keyword search portion of
market samurai, so it is well worth signing up for it. They have loads of
training videos freely available on their site to make sure you get the
most out of the product so there is no need for me to include that
information here.

It is always important to find out what your Youtube competition is up
to. You definitely want to know what keywords they are using. In the
past, it was possible to view tags/keywords right on the video page.
These days to see those same tags, you need to right click your
competitors video description and “view source” this will bring up the
source page so that you can find the meta keywords.
The problem with using the source page is that YouTube truncates the
list of keywords at 66 characters. The keywords are there, you just
can't view them.
Step 1
The way around this is to hit ctrl F if you have a PC or cmd F if you have
a Mac. This will bring up a small box (you might have to hunt for it) at
the top of your screen for a PC and at the bottom for a mac.
Type “keywords” into this box and press enter – a pop up will appear in
which you will find all the tags for that video.
Step 2
Scroll along the line, which is usually quite long, until you find the start
of the keyword list. Copy and paste to your keyword collection and
make specific note that the grouping belongs to a competitor so that you
can make use of them plus add a few of your own.

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Optimizing Your channel itself is just as important as optimizing
everything related to a specific video. There are various parts of your
channel that are discoverable by Google so you need to make the most
of it.
At this stage, your channel is not physically attractive to potential
viewers. You need to make it look more welcoming.
Head over to the detailed YouTube Channel art page where you can find
all the necessary information showing images and sizes and channel art
templates for download
You can also find some very nice free backgrounds for your channel art
over at YouTubeTheme.
If you are not particularly artistic, you might want to head over to and find someone to create your channel art for you.
On the other hand, if you are somewhat artistic, but do not have the
necessary tools and also plan to set up a number Of YouTube channels
then it may be worth your while to purchase Instant Social Presence –
YouTube edition.
Click on the “Add channel art button
Upload or drag your channel art into place. Sometimes, when doing a
drag an drop, the image doesn't take. If that happens to you then rather
use the upload feature.
Once your image is uploaded you will be shown a template so that you
can see what your channel art will look like across platforms i.e.
Desktop computer TV and Mobile. You can adjust the crop slightly if
you need to, but I just leave it and select as is.
Try to keep the top left hand side clear, so that your avatar doesn't
overlap any important part of the image.
Step 004
Now that your art is uploaded, you will need to upload your channel
avatar. This is important because it gives a “face” to your channel and
helps to make it a lot more personal.
The avatar image does not have to be your actual picture, it could be a
logo or anything else that will help people identify with your channel.
Hover your mouse over the avatar and a pencil icon will appear, click on
that pencil.
A new window will open enabling you to add your pic/avatar/icon in
Google plus.
Drag and drop your photo or click on the “Select a photo from your
computer” and upload the pic that you want to use.
Your updated image will show first on your Google plus page.
You might want to keep this page open so that you can come back later
and work on your Google+ information.
Go back to your YouTube channel and refresh the page. Your avatar
should now be showing. You can change it again at anytime you wish
simply by hovering over it with your mouse and hitting the edit pencil.
Now that your channel is more visually appealing, it is time to tell the
world what your channel is going to be about.
You can open all three links immediately (the will all be visible on the
same page) or you can open them one at a time.
You have 1000 characters (including spaces) available. Don't forget that
page is discoverable by Google.
Get all your keywords together and write a really nice article related to
what your viewers can expect from you. Try and get as many related
keywords in as possible, but do be careful not to be spammy. It is also
a good idea to add in links to your website and/or squeeze page in this
Once you have completed your Channel Description, you need to add
clickable links to your channel art. “Custom links” provides back-links
to websites, or squeeze pages of your choice. Remember you need to
use every opportunity that is available to get people to sign up on your
As you can see below, Google+ has already been added for you, but
there are a number of additional social sharing sites which can be
added such as Facebook, and Twitter. Once you have decided which
ones to add, you will need to copy and paste your personal urls into the
appropriate space.
Once again, Don't forget to save by clicking on the “Done” button.
If you have several other channels and you wish to make your viewers
aware of , then you might well wish to feature those channels on this
channel as well.
All you need to do is copy and paste the channel url in the “Enter
channel url” space. By clicking on the “Add” button, you can insert
additional urls.
One you have finished, click “done”.
If you are planning on subscribing to other channels and particularly if
those channels are competitors that you wish to keep an eye on, then
you need to keep your subscriptions private.
On the other hand, if you will be subscribing to other channels you own
or to channels with related but not competing information, then it would
be a good idea to un-tick the box and make the subscriptions public.
Most people forget about this part of their channel. You need to get
people talking. Start by commenting yourself. Ask a couple of friends
(they must also have a YouTube channel and be logged in) to respond.
This is another opportunity to encourage people to go to your Squeeze
page. Add the link.
A small but important set of steps is to choose the language you will be
using/targeting e.g. French, German etc; the specific country you are
targeting or whether your channel and videos should be available
worldwide; and whether your Channel will be using safe content for all
(in which case switch safety to “on”). There are some unpleasant people
around who delight in using unpleasant language and this will protect
your channel from them.
Congratulations you have now completed the set up and SEO for Your
One final bit of information to those of you who are totally new to
YouTube and are not sure how to find your way around. Just click on
the little downward pointing arrow on the top right corner of your
channel next to your image. This will bring down the master links, as

shown in blue.

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YouTube – Google Account Creation
Your YouTube account is really important. Dependent on your requirements,
you are likely to need more than one account. In some instances the
accounts will need to be separate from each other and in others, you may
want to link accounts.

  • ·         Deep Clean Your Computer

It is essential to always deep clean your computer after creating a Google
account and before creating the next one. This also means that you need to
deep clean your computer between logging out of one Google account and
before logging into another.
The purpose for this is to ensure that you leave no footprints for Google to
follow and thus allowing you to create more accounts.
To deep clean, clear your history, cache, cookies etc, then run Cliff's “Cookie
Cleaner” which you will find under the “Useful Apps” tab of the membership
In addition, since no single cleaner clears everything that needs to be cleared,
I use both cCleaner and JetClean (free) on my PC. For my Mac I use both
MacKeeper and CleanMyMac. There are several others available, you just
need to do a Google search.
  • ·         Naming Your Google Account

The very first thing you need to do, even before you create your Google
Account and YouTube channel is to decide on the name. If you are in the
process of branding yourself and that is what your account and YouTube
channel is all about, then by all means, use your own name.
On the other hand if you are are planning to promote a specific group of
products, then use the function of those products as the chosen name. For
example, “WSO Reviews” - “Candle Making Supplies” - “Affiliate Marketing
Tutorials” - “Business Video Services”
  • ·         Creating Your Google Account

Before you continue with the sign up process, you need to create a nonGoogle
email address. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create and use
a generic website e.g. Set up a catchall email address for
that website – e.g. . This means that in future any
mail that is sent to will automatically be caught by the

Your next step is to decide on the email address you would like to use. I
would recommend using the same name as that of the channel you wish to
create e.g. If you plan on creating a lot of
channels, then this is also a great way to remind yourself of a specific channel

You will now always be able to use the same generic website each time you
need an email for a new Google account.
Step 001
In order to set up your YouTube Channel, you must create a new Google
account. You need to do this by opening a Google Adwords account. You
must not use this account for any other purpose except to create your new
Google account. It is against Google TOS to make use of more than one
Google Adwords account for the purpose of earning an income via Adwords.
Step 002
You will be taken to a page that will allow you to make use of of an existing
Google Adwords account. You do not want Google to know that you have any
other accounts so you must make use of the “I do not use these services” link
as indicated below.
Step 003
Once you have clicked in the appropriate place a drop down box will appear
for completion in order to create your account.
In the space reserved for email, please use an email adress that will remind
you of what the channel is all about. e.g.
A captcha area is included.
Please do not forget to agree to the Googles Terms and Services section before
clicking on the “Create Account” button.
Step 004
You can choose to make use of your home country or simply use USA details.
It does not really matter as you will never use this particular Adwords
account for anything other than the need to create your current account.
Step 005
You will be taken to a page confirming the creation of your Google Adwords
account and advising that an email has been sent to you.
Step 006
you now need to go to your email account and find the email, as shown below,
in order to verify your email address.
Step 007
Having clicked on the link as indicated in the step above you will be taken to
a Google page confirming the verification of your email address and giving you
the opportunity to add a mobile number. At this stage the choice is yours.
You can click on the link to add the number, or you can simply “click to
continue”. At this stage, I normally just continue.
Step 008
You will now be taken to a new page with your email address automatically
inserted. All you have to do is insert the correct password and hit the “verify”
button. Thus signing into your your account and also verifying that at this
stage everything is correct.
Step 009
If you have not already done so, it is now time to provide your mobile
telephone number and an alternate email address. When you click on “Add
Phone” and “Add alternate email address” the appropriate forms will open up.
Step 10
Complete the details as required and then Save the information. As regards
the email address, you can simply create one using one of your websites and
use that. I still continue to use the same mobile number for all my accounts.
Step 11
As per the image below, a new page will appear confirming the details of the
information saved within your new Google account. Click on the save button
to confirm that the information is correct.
Step 12
Congratulations, the process of safely creating a new Google account has
been completed. You will find one more email (see below) confirming creation
of the account and giving you the option to change your password if you so
wish. Other than that, you will now need to create your YouTube channel for
this account.

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